Have you ever felt unproductive and bored at the same time? Then this list is for you! 100+ productive and non boring things to do
Daily habits that boost your mood
Being happy, enthusiastic and productive 24/7. It’s a dream for everyone. Isn’t it? Waking up to a non enthusiastic morning does affect the whole day. What if we can make our whole day happy? Know how!
Overcoming negative self talk
Negative self talk can be the reason of your problems. Know how to silence that devil inside your mind!
Causes of mental clutter and how to avoid them
We all know that just like how our room gets cluttered our mind too gets cluttered. But the thing is the clutter in the room is visible and we clean that (at least we are forced to) but your clutter in your mind isn’t visible to even you and there doesn’t even arise a question to clean it. But wait what exactly is mental clutter?
Stop comparing yourself to others
Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people Despite of knowing that we all do it. We compare ourselves almost daily with other people, whoever it may be – friends, family, colleague, roommate, celebrity etc. We compare everything from the lifestyle to the way they breathe. Why do we compare ourselves with […]
How to wake up early?
“Waking up early”. Isn’t that single sentence terrific? You will have to leave your comfy bed and pull up yourself out of the bed while your eyes plead you to shut them. Aren’t these the things that make us sleep an extra hour? You can obey them and go back to bed.
How to stop taking things personally?
Taking things personally could end in a tragic state. Every small detail hurts. I used to take things personally for a long time and have lost a lot of people in the process. It’s not only about the people, in due course, you also lose your peace.
8 steps to overcome self doubt and be confident
Self doubt is that depressing thought, that little voice that keeps on telling you can’t and keeps on asking what if the worst happens.